Picture of Martin Rojas

I am
a passionate UI architect / developer creating modern and responsive experiences for Web Mobile and Physical Installations

I'm a software developer with over a decade of experience designing and developing enterprise, retail, and consumer applications. My expertise lies in front-end digital display programming, website development, and rapid prototyping, with a solid background in Natural User Interface (NUI) design. Additionally, I have extensive knowledge of various technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, and several JavaScript frameworks, and in-depth expertise in REACTJS, WASM, and NodeJS.

As a leader in managing developers and organizing project workflows, I have honed my skills in project planning, execution, and delivery, with experience using Agile methodology to work in a collaborative and iterative environment. My experience in managing projects has allowed me to effectively communicate and collaborate with team members, stakeholders, and clients to ensure that project goals are achieved. In addition, my community-building skills as the organizer of the ReactATL developer community have allowed me to connect with fellow developers, share knowledge, and stay up-to-date with industry trends and developments. Overall, my experience, technical skills, project management abilities, Agile experience, and community-building skills make me a well-rounded software developer who can deliver excellent results.

The Latest

Check out my latest blog entries or see the next meetup for the ReactATL group, which I organize

Cover image for Demystifying Micro-Frontends: A New Frontier in Web Development

Demystifying Micro-Frontends: A New Frontier in Web Development

Cover image for  Revisiting the "Rules of React"

Revisiting the "Rules of React"

Best Practices
React Compiler
React 19
React Logo

ReactATL Meetup

React ATL is a monthly developer meetup to discuss trends and tools coming out of the ReactJS ecosystem.

Previous Work

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